Thursday, May 9, 2013

What My Conclusion Was After All!

My conclusion in this project was that the bigger candle had turned out to be burning faster than the other. I really don't think it was because of the brand. I think it was because the bigger candle was more rounded. Since the smaller candle is taller and longer it will take more time for the wax to melt and evaporate. Therefore my results came out to be that the bigger candle won the smaller candle. I hope you try this project and that you enjoy my blog. Next time I probably will make a new blog and this time make it more fun. As an example I will put more new pictures, questions, and more! Thank you people for supporting me and encouraging myself by viewing how many people read my blogs.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You need a picture, but you did great on the candle race so your conclusion is that a bigger candle lights up faster?

  3. Good, but needs more pictures and facts.

  4. Yes to Dominique and I forgot to put a picture -.- I was in a hurry

  5. I agree with them you nee more facts, details, and pictures which they are more important cause it helps us understand and see what happened and which candle melt the fastest. :)

  6. Thats pretty cool. It was an intersting blog. Next time put A little more information. Thank you

  7. You should talk more about your project than thanking people for looking at your blog. As well you need more details and a picture to show what it looks like when you are beginning your project. However your project looks interesting but it would of look better with picture.
